Our Mission

Healthier Waterways…

Porous Lane is driven by a future of healthy waterways, cooler cities and circular-economy led sustainability.

Our primary goals are to:

  • Create healthier cities by assisting public and private entities to meet their sustainability and WSUD goals.

  • Provide cost-effective drainage and stormwater management solutions for developers and builders.

  • Better maintain tree health and infrastructure longevity around urban trees.

…& Less Waste.

By using waste tyre material as one or the primary product components, Porous Lane takes a problematic waste stream and diverts it to a high-performance use.

Every year in Australia more than 58 million tyres reach their end of life with less than 10% being recycled. To date Porous Lane has prevented at least 10,000 waste tyres going into landfill.

Selected Clients & Partners