Permeable tree surrounds
Industry leading solution for tree pit surfacing.
Very high permeability ensures high volume of water reaches tree roots.
Stormwater harvesting and passive irrigation saves money on potable irrigation.
Higher chance of young tree survival during hot summers.
Very effective in enabling young trees to establish quickly.
Treats and removes pollutants from stormwater.
Cooler temperature on hot days than impermeable materials.
Uses three Australian waste tyres per square metre of footpath.
25 year design life.
Porous Lane Permeable Tree Surrounds
Highly Resistant to Cracking from Tree Root Movement
Passive Irrigation for Nearby Trees
Very High Permeability for High Infiltration Rates
Treats and Removes Pollutants from Stormwater
Cooler than Impermeable Materials
25 Year Design Life
Example Project: Robust Tree Surrounds
Client City of Sydney
Location Sydney CBD
Size more than 150 treepits, covering more than 350sqm, and ongoing
Waste tyres recycled >1050 and ongoing
Description The ongoing replacement of cracked tree surrounds with Porous Lane permeable pavement.
Goals To replace the old tree surrounds with a permeable pavement that is resilient to tree root movement and allows a high rate of infiltration.
Decorative porous paving for tree surrounds.
Typical porous paving for tree surrounds.
Example Project: Tree Surround and Footpath
Client City of Banyule
Location Montmorency, VIC
Size 70sqm
Waste tyres recycled 210
Description The installation of Porous Lane around an established tree.
Goals To provide a permeable surface that captures stormwater for the irrigation of an established trees while providing resistant to cracking from tree root heaves and keeping the pavement accessible.
Outcome The use of Porous Lane on the surface along with a washed aggregate 40mm storage layer creates an environment that is ideal for around the established tree to thrive. Water passing through the permeable surface to the tree roots also reduces the risk of roots cracking the nearby concrete as they seeking condensation on the underside of impermeable materials.
A big tree surround that both protect the tree and functions as a footpath
Case Study 1: Thriving Urban Trees
Client City of Yarra
Location Clifton Hill, VIC
Size 80sqm
Waste tyres recycled 240
Description The installation of Porous Lane on three pairs of parking bays either site of a tree pit.
Goals To reduce and treat runoff from the street while providing stormwater harvesting and passive irrigation to young trees.
Outcome Stormwater harvesting and passive irrigation resulted in tree growth three times greater than young trees planted at the same time without the benefits of Porous Lane.
Read more about this project on Sustainability Victoria.
Porous Lane car parking bays after installation.
Eighteen months after installation, compare with the tree on the opposite side of the road planted at the same time with asphalt surrounds.
Download our Tree Surrounds Brochure
In this tree surround brochure you will find more information on the benefits and more project examples.
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Reach out to the team at Porous Lane for a free consultation. Discover the environmental and cost-saving benefits of incorporating this research-backed product into your next project.
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