Permeable Car Parks

  • Captures and harvests stormwater, preventing runoff from reaching waterways.

  • Increases site permeability and access to deep soil.

  • Treats and removes pollutants from stormwater.

  • Can reduce the need for costly stormwater upgrades

  • Can be used for below ground on-site detention.

  • Water can be stored and redirected to tanks, garden beds or stormwater system

  • Can be used for flood mitigation when applied at catchment level.

  • Cooler temperature on hot days than impermeable materials.

  • Uses three Australian waste tyres per square metre of carpark.

  • Design life of 25 years.

Porous Lane Permeable Car Parks

Stormwater Harvesting & Treatment

Passive Irrigation

Flood Mitigation

Site Permeability & Infiltration

Cooler Urban Temperatures

Suitable for trafficable areas

Case Study 1: Thriving Urban Trees

Client City of Yarra

Location Clifton Hill, VIC

Size 80sqm

Waste tyres recycled 240

Description The installation of Porous Lane on three pairs of parking bays either site of a tree pit.

Goals To reduce and treat runoff from the street while providing stormwater harvesting and passive irrigation to young trees.

Outcome Stormwater harvesting and passive irrigation resulted in tree growth three times greater than young trees planted at the same time without the benefits of Porous Lane. 

Read more about this project on Sustainability Victoria

Porous Lane car parking bays after installation.

Eighteen months after installation, compare with the tree on the opposite side of the road planted at the same time with asphalt surrounds.

Case Study 2: Stormwater Harvesting & Passive Irrigation

Client City of Stonnington

Location Malvern East, VIC

Size 80sqm

Waste tyres recycled 240

Description The installation of Porous Lane on a section of carpark adjacent to garden bed.

Goals To reduce and treat runoff from the carpark catchment while directing harvested stormwater to the garden bed via agi pipe.

Outcome This installation has a detention and storage capacity of 9.6m3, effectively reducing the load on the stormwater system and providing passive irrigation to the adjacent garden bed. This in turn reduced the need for watering during hot weather and kept the surface of the permeable area 3-4 degrees cooler than the surrounding impermeable surfaces.

The Porous Lane installation team hard at work laying permeable pavement.

The completed installation.

Typical Car Park Cross-Section*

  1. Waste tyre permeable pavement

• Made from 40% recycled material (approx 3 waste tyres per sqm)

• Laid on-site

2. Storage structural soil layer (optional)

• Acting as a reservoir layer

• Thickness based on the amount of storage and subgrade

• Reinforced by geocells

3. Subgrade natural soil

• Determines the thickness of screening and exfiltration.

4. Drainage Pipe (optional)

• To redirect water to storage tank, garden bed or stormwater system

* Indicative only. Cross-section can be adjusted depending on project goals and site conditions.

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