Permeable Kerb & Channel
Porous Lane’s latest technology is a permeable kerb and channel system, developed in partnership with John Holland, Sustainability Victoria and The University of Melbourne.
This innovative new product aims to create a kerb and channel system that is more effective at managing stormwater flows, while recycling waste tyre using a similar mix to Porous Lane’s permeable pavement technology.
The mix requires no cement and has been tested for leachates and micro-plastics, ensuring there is no negative impact on water flowing through the system. The kerb acts as a filtration system, reducing the volume of harmful particles entering our waterways via runoff.
The system has undergone several trials and is now commercialised and available to be installed. To download a typical profile, please go to our technical drawings page.
To learn more about this innovative technology and the benefits it can provide, please get in touch with us at sales@porouslane.com.au.
Permeable Kerb & Channel System
Water Sensitive Urban Design
Certified Circular Economy
Highly Resistant to Cracking
25 Year Design Life
Cooler than Impermeable Materials
Suitable for Trafficable Areas
Case Study: Passive irrigation to nature strip and testing in a reactive clay setting
Client City of Merri-bek
Location CB Smith Reserve, VIC
Size 22 m
Waste Tyres Recycled: 66
Description The installation of the Porous Lane Kerb & Channel to supply the nearby nature strip of water.
Goals Replicate the conditions similar to an urban nature strip and testing the effectiveness of the system in a reactive clay setting.
Outcome The infiltration from the water into the storage layer was highly effective. The exfiltration of the storage layer into the reactive clay was slow, but still effective. Unless the slow absorption of the clay, the permeable kerb & channel still effectively stimulates the establishment of young trees in the nature strip.
The Kerb & Channel over a length of 22 m to irrigate the nature strip behind the kerb.
The permeability of the Kerb & Channel system from up close
A demonstration of the Kerb & Channel system
Case Study: Reducing pressure on stormwater management system and irrigating the trees
Client City of Mitcham
Location Adelaide, SA
Size 35 m
Waste Tyres Recycled: 105
Description Installation of the Porous Lane Kerb & Channel to reduce pressure on the stormwater management system.
Goals Reduce pressure on the stormwater management system and avoiding continuous upgrading. Minimize damage from the tree roots heave, uplifting the concrete kerb & channel. Passive irrigation to the trees behind the kerb.
Outcome The 35 m of installed kerb & channel, reduces pressure on the stormwater management system. The flexibility and permeability, minimises the risk on damage of the kerb & channel, while passively irrigating the tree behind the kerb.
The Kerb & Channel installed close to several trees to irrigate them and prevent cracking.
Download our Kerb & Channel Brochure
In this Kerb & Channel brochure you will find more information on the benefits and more project examples.
The brochure will appear on screen after entering your details.
Watch Prof. Mahdi Disfani and Fiona Bowie discusses the partnership between the University of Melbourne, John Holland Group and Porous Lane that lead to the trial of the permeable kerb and channel system in 2023.
Ready to Make a Difference?
Reach out to the team at Porous Lane for a free consultation. Discover the environmental and cost-saving benefits of incorporating this research-backed product into your next project.
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